Selected Work

Cir­cuits of the Wind: A Leg­end of the Net Age

Dig­i­tal eBook / Trade paper­back (3 vols):

Vol. 1 Ama­zon | B&N | Pow­ell’s
Vol. 2 Ama­zon | B&N | Pow­ell’s
Vol. 3 Ama­zon | B&N | Pow­ell’s
Ask your favorite book­store to order
Signed copies at Atom­ic Books
Com­plete and unabridged Kin­dle edition

Stories and fiction

The Mass Age Is the Medi­um” (Mod­ern Mat­ter #2)

The Birth of the Net Gen­er­a­tion” (Mod­ern Mat­ter #2)

My Lost Year” (The Bygone Bureau)

The Long Slide,” “After the Nov­el,” and “When Octo­ber Comes” (Rum­ble)

Beneath a Dark and End­less Sky” (Trns­fr #3)

In a Car, Quick­ly, on Cape Cod” (audio, Fringe Mag­a­zine) [link]

Peo­ple of the Past” (H_NGM_N #9) [link]

On the Sur­face of Venus” (Steam­punk Tales #3)

Inside the Mind of God” (The Chrysalis Read­er #16)

Com­ment on Your Pho­to” (Quick Fic­tion #14)

Know­ing Dawes” (The Duck & Her­ring Pock­et Field Guide)

In the Ear­ly ’70s, a Chica­go Native Approves of the Sears Tow­er Con­struc­tion, in Antic­i­pa­tion of It Beat­ing the World Trade Cen­ter for Tallest Build­ing in the World” (McSweeney’s Inter­net Ten­den­cy) [link]


How Flickr Redesign Leaves Out the Pho­tog­ra­phers” (The Huff­in­g­ton Post) [link]

Comp­ton Macken­zie Is Buried” (Goodreads) [link]

The World In Our Hands” (Mod­ern Mat­ter #3)

The Under­cov­er Sound­track” (guest post, My Mem­o­ries of a Future Life) [link]

How I Came To Write A Tril­o­gy With­out Even Try­ing” (Author! Author!) [link]

Alo­ha in Flori­da” (The Age. Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald) [link]

Met­ro­pol­i­tan Diary” (The New York Times)

On the end of ‘bookpeo­ple’ ” (Let­ter) [link]

I AM Jack Ker­ouac” (“Images of Ker­ouac,” Brush Art Gallery, Low­ell MA)


Incli­na­tion” (DEAD BEATS) [link]

The Wide-Open Inlet” (St. Antho­ny Mes­sen­ger)

The Tech­ni­cal Life” (Orbis #152)

My pro­cliv­i­ties” (Pale House)

some days” (Match­book post­card poet­ry series)

A Short Les­son In Immor­tal­i­ty” (The Dark Horse)


Dri­ve-by Shoot­ings” (1997-) Instant snap­shot poet­ics tak­en from speed­ing car­win­dow; excerpt­ed in Otoliths, Gam­bara (as “Shore­line Farms”) [link]

First view of Chica­go” (Cov­er image, Emer­son Review vol. 38)

Pho­to con­trib­u­tor, Tiki Road Trip: A Guide to Tiki Cul­ture in North Amer­i­ca, The Flori­da Preser­va­tion­ist, Envi­roLink South­east, Gal­l­ey­cat


Author’s Mus­ings: Michael Stutz (Goodreads) [link]

Lit­tle Rock Books Exam­in­er inter­view [link]

In Pur­suit of Atmos­phere” (Inde­pen­dent Pub­lish­er) [link]

The Read­ing Life inter­view [link]

RGB” (Caus­tic Cov­er Crit­ic) [link]

The Lit­er­ary Life: Michael Stutz, Net Gen­er­a­tion Seek­er” (Lit­er­ary Kicks) [link]

Xin­gu­lar­i­ty, a film about Gen­er­a­tion X (in pro­duc­tion) [offi­cial trail­er]